Monday, August 14, 2006

DJ Micha.

Don't drink and sail ;-)

Another historic boat at beautiful weather.

Feet almost in the water.

Some historic boats.

Starting our sailing trip at Hanse Sail on the Baltic Sea ...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Alexandra in Johannesburg. Not the best area to have a car breakdown.

Ray and me in Durban.

Jeanine and me at the Pacific Ocean.

Our houses at Mhlosinga Bush Lodge.

Children at the street.

I guess everybody knows what this is ...

Safari with Ray and Jeanine ...

The team and friends from South Africa. I had a really good time.

Pipistello (painted) and me in Johannesburg.

Due to the complaint of a special person I add some photos from South Africa, July 2005, as well.